Have You Chosen the Right Culture Medium Materials?

  • Editor:
  • Date:2020-05-15
  • Type:Industry News

What is the Culture Medium Materials? Beijing Hongrun Baoshun will introduce detailedly them to everyone.


Culture medium is a nutrient substance composed of different combinations of nutrition for the growth and reproduction of microbial plants or animals (or tissues).It generally contains carbohydrates, nitrogen, inorganic salts (including trace elements), vitamins, water and other substances.Medium is not only the basic material to provide cell nutrition and promote cell proliferation, but also the living environment for cell growth and reproduction.


There are many kinds of culture medium, which can be divided into natural medium, synthesis medium and semi-synthetic medium according to the source of prepared raw materials; and divided into solid medium liquid medium semi-solid medium according to the physical state.After the medium is prepared, the pH is generally tested and adjusted, and sterilization is also required.usually it has high-temperature sterilization and filtration sterilization.The medium is rich in nutrients and prone to be contaminated or deteriorated.It is better to prepare the medium when you need.


Our products of culture medium materials are divided into three grades according to the different biocatalysis conditions and purifications.


A grade (reagent grade) prodcut of Hongrun Baoshun:it is the highest and best level products. The requirement of it is that the 2% aqueous solution of the product is no any impurity precipitation in the condition of alkaline high pressure and phosphate high pressure,and all kinds of microbiological test indexes are at the superior level.The product is generally suitable for all kinds of culture medium manufacturers, the pharmaceutical and food factories with high requirements do genetic engineering, proteomics engineering, vaccine engineering, microbial laboratories, universities and research institutes,etc.


B grade (Pharmaceutical grade)product of Hongrun Baoshun: the requirement of it is that the 2% aqueous solution of the product is no any impurity precipitation in the condition of alkaline high pressure and have some precipitation in phosphate high pressure,and all kinds of microbiological test indexes are at a good level.This kind of product is generally applicable to all kinds of pharmaceutical factories, food factories, L-amino acid factories, dairy products factories, vitamin manufacturers, relatively extensive vaccine engineering and microbial laboratories, and so on.


C grade (Industrial grade)product of Hongrun Baoshun:the requirement of it is that the 2% aqueous solution of the product have some impurity precipitation in the condition of alkaline high pressure and phosphate high pressure,and all kinds of microbiological test indexes are at a poor level.This kind of product is generally applicable to all kinds of antibiotics factories, animal healthy product factories, feed mills, industrial fermentation factories, fertilizer factories and other factories which have no high requirements and do not need late purification, etc. Special circumstances are not included.


Beijing Hongrun Baoshun, the manufacturer of culture medium materials, can provide the best professional service and quality to you.

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